Never let your oral health go unchecked. In the United States, over 40,000 people will be detected with oral cancer every year. If you begin to notice anything uncommon in your oral health, get a checkup or cancer screening immediately, as the sooner cancer is detected the more likely you are to recover.
Listed below are the most common oral health anomalies of oral cancer:
– There are white, red, or speckled irregularities in the mouth.
– A persistent sore throat or modification in your voice that does not go away.
– Unfamiliar bleeding often occurs from the mouth.
– A feeling that something is trapped in the back of your throat could be a sign of oral cancer.
– Irregular degrees of difficulty chewing, speaking, eating, or swallowing.
– Modifications with your teeth’s alignment, including how well they align and how well you can open and close your mouth.
– Blisters in your mouth, neck, or face that do not heal after 2 weeks that continue to bleed easily.
– Visible signs of bumps, lumps, rough spots, crusts, inflammation, or eroded areas in your mouth.
– Ear pain is felt, or there is numbness and loss of feeling in the mouth and zones around the face and neck.
– Severe weight loss could be a sign of cancer.
For more oral health care advice or to schedule an oral cancer screening with Dr. [doctor_name] and our team at our dentist office in [city], [state], please contact [practice_name] at [phone]. We look forward to helping you soon!