
How to Brush Your Smile with Style

Caring for your smile is crucial to good oral health. You want to protect your teeth and gums from tooth decay and gum disease. At [practice_name], we have some tips to share with our patients in [city], [state], and the surrounding communities, on how to properly brush those pearly whites!

 Your Toothbrush

First, you want to make sure you brush your teeth every single day, twice a day, using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Using medium or firm strength bristles can damage gum tissue and tooth enamel. Now, whether or not you choose a manual toothbrush or a powered one, is your choice. The goal is to make tooth brushing an event you do faithfully, and whichever one makes you want to brush, do that. Just be sure that the size and shape of your toothbrush fits into your mouth comfortably, letting you reach all your teeth. Aim for replacing your toothbrush as the bristles wear down and become worn, this usually means 3-4 months. Worn bristles can’t effectively clean tooth surfaces and in between teeth and gums.

Brushing Correctly

Once you have your toothbrush, you want to aim for brushing for two minutes each time, using an ADA approved fluoride toothpaste. Generally speaking, if your toothpaste carries the ADA Seal, it will have fluoride in it to protect your tooth enamel. Why do you want to use ADA approved products? Because ADA-approved products have been proven to be both effective and safe to use. Any claims made on the packaging have been proven to be true so you know that the product works exactly as it claims to do.

To begin brushing your teeth, hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums. You will want to gently brush back and forth in short movements. Clean the outside of your teeth, the inside areas, and the tops or chewing surfaces. For the inside of your front teeth, hold the brush vertically and use up-and-down movements.

Caring for Your Toothbrush

Once you finish brushing your pearly whites, rinse your toothbrush thoroughly to remove food particles and toothpaste residue. Let your toothbrush air out between use, so be sure to store it uncovered and upright, and avoid letting it touch another toothbrush to prevent contamination.

Lastly, don’t forget to floss between teeth and under the gumline to remove plaque and food particles that your toothbrush can’t clean, limit snacking between meals, and come in for professional cleanings.

Dr. [doctor_name] and the rest of our dental team in [city], [state], are happy to help you with all of your oral care needs. Call us today at [phone] if you have any questions or need to schedule your next checkup!

Heightened Tooth Sensitivity Might Be Improved by a Simple Fluoride Treatment

Pain or a stinging sensation when you consume hot, cold, sweet, or acidic things can be more than a mere inconvenience. Tooth sensitivity problems can significantly alter your food and beverage choices and potentially signify future problems.

In many cases, tooth sensitivity problems are related to some degree of demineralization of tooth enamel. This is usually the result of excessively consuming acidic foods and beverages or having inconsistent oral hygiene habits. This can cause an erosion in the mineral density of your tooth enamel.

Increased exposure to fluoride helps restore a microscopic degree of minerals to your tooth enamel. This process is known as remineralization and it strengthens tooth enamel and reduces your chances of developing tooth decay and sensitivity.

If Dr. [doctor_name] notices signs of enamel erosion on your teeth, [heshe] might recommend a series of different treatment options to increase your fluoride exposure and fortify your tooth enamel. This often includes receiving a basic fluoride treatment, taking fluoride supplements and brushing your teeth with toothpaste that includes added fluoride.

If you are suffering with symptoms of enamel erosion and you’re interested in fluoride in [city], [state], you should call [phone] to schedule an appointment at [practice_name].

There are Several Cosmetic Dental Treatments to Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

A white and winning smile is one of the first things people notice. If your teeth suffer from cosmetic imperfections like chips, discolored fillings, or deep staining problems, it likely leaves you feeling self-conscious. Here at [practice_name], your dentist, Dr. [doctor_name], is trained and experienced in a wide range of cosmetic dentistry treatments. The one that is best for you will depend on the nature of the imperfection you want addressed.

For deeply stained teeth, [heshe] often suggests having a dental bleaching treatment administered. Once your teeth have been completely whitened, [heshe] can help you maintain your white smile for a longer period of time. This includes suggesting that you make alternative food and beverage choices. It could also include suggesting that you use whitening toothpaste or whitening strips to remove minor surface stains from the teeth in your smile before they have a chance to set in.

Porcelain dental veneers can improve the appearance of teeth with small chips as well as stains. The porcelain veneers are meticulously crafted to fit over the face of the teeth in your smile. They can be shaded to match any color of enamel you would like for your smile.

If one or two teeth in your smile have visible imperfections or if they lack sufficient enamel to mount a veneer, your dentist might recommend a porcelain dental crown.

If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile, you should contact [practice_name] at [phone] to learn more about cosmetic dentistry in [city], [state].

Have Trouble Flossing? Oral Irrigation Can Help!

While flossing is a healthy part of good oral hygiene, not everyone likes to do it or makes the time. It can be challenging when you are unfamiliar with how to properly floss, or when you are using the wrong flossing products. If you are one of these people, our dental team is happy to help!

If you find yourself shirking your flossing routine, we recommend using an oral irrigator, or water flosser. These are small, hand-held wands that spray water out of the top of the tool. The water comes out in pulses and it effectively cleans your teeth.

How to Use an Oral Irrigator

  • Make sure the base, also known as the reservoir, is filled with lukewarm water. Select the tip you would like to use, and adjust the pressure control to the level you prefer.
  • Lean over the sink and press the tip of the water flosser in your mouth. Close your lips around the tip and turn the unit on. It’s important to keep your lips tight around the flosser.
  • Start by rinsing between your back teeth and pause briefly at every crevice. When cleaning aim the flosser tip just above the gumline at a 90-degree angle.
  • When you are done washing the food particles and plaque from between your teeth, turn the unit off and then press the “Tip Eject” button to remove the tip.

Why Use an Oral Irrigator

  • Evidence proves that it is an effective way to deeply clean the crevices of your smile.
  • It is easy to use.
  • It effectively removes plaque and other harmful substances from your teeth.
  • It deeply cleans the pockets in your mouth.
  • It thoroughly cleans around braces and other orthodontic appliances.
  • It is safe and gentle.
  • It reduces your chances of having periodontal disease.

We want you to have the best oral health possible, which is why we recommend cleaning your smile each day with an oral irrigator in [city], [state]. If you have any questions about this tool or if you would like to know more about oral hygiene and its many benefits, call our office today at [phone] and schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. [doctor_name]. Our entire team looks forward to hearing from you!

Dental Veneers: What You Should Know

Many people consider having a beautiful smile extremely important. For instance, if your smile isn’t as bright as you might like, you could consider teeth whitening. If you’re interested in improving the color of your teeth, you may also want to consider using dental veneers. Did you know that veneers can actually offer a number of other benefits?

Dental veneers are a thin shell, typically made of porcelain or a composite resin, that is custom made to cover flawed teeth. Veneers can be used to fix a number of issues, such as chipped, stained, worn, misaligned, uneven, or abnormally spaced teeth. These veneers are bonded to your teeth, making them extremely sturdy.

Even though veneers are sturdy, you’ll need to care for them. Naturally, you’ll need to brush and floss as you normally would—just please remember to brush gently and to use a brush with soft bristles. We also recommend using a non-abrasive toothpaste, and you may consider speaking with our dentist before choosing the best toothpaste for you. Finally, if you have dental veneers, please don’t misuse your teeth by biting your nails or chewing on pens or ice.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of dental veneers, we recommend contacting [practice_name] at [phone]. Dr. [doctor_name] and our team will be happy to examine the health of your teeth and offer you any advice you need. We’re excited to hear from you soon!

A Severely Decayed Tooth Can Often Be Replaced by a Dental Implant

If a cavity goes ignored or undetected for too long, it can spread to the vital inner layers of the tooth. Sometimes an extremely decayed tooth can be saved by a root canal. Should the decay be proven to be extensive, your dentist, Dr. [doctor_name], might need to extract the tooth in preparation for replacing it with a dental implant.

Dr. [doctor_name] will start by examining your mouth and taking a few X-rays of the area. If the tooth loss resulted in a degradation of bone material, [heshe] might recommend having a bone graft installed first.

To install the dental implant, a small channel will be drilled into your jaw bone. Then, a titanium implant will be screwed into place. Titanium is the metal of choice because it is biologically inert and it will eventually fuse to your jawbone in a process known as osseointegration.

Once the implant has fused to your jaw, Dr. [doctor_name] can start the process of installing a standard dental crown made from porcelain, gold or base metal alloy. With proper care and cleaning, your new dental implant should last for many years to come.

If you have a severely decayed tooth, you should not delay in calling [practice_name] at [phone] to seek treatment and restoration with a dental implant in [city], [state].

Whitening Strips Can Help Remove Minor Surface Stains from Tooth Enamel

On a microscopic level, your tooth enamel has microscopic textures in the mineral crystals. These surfaces can sometimes trap tiny staining particles found in the dark foods and beverages you enjoy each day. If these minor surface stains are not cleared away in a timely manner, they can start to penetrate deep into the enamel, which can leave you with a deeply stained smile.

Using whitening strips can work to remove minor surface stains. The clear, plastic strips have been treated with a special topical form of hydrogen peroxide. You can conveniently wear them as you go about your day, and the casual observer won’t even notice you have them on your teeth. While the whitening strips are in your mouth, you will need to avoid drinking, eating and using tobacco products.

It’s important to keep in mind that the concentration of topical hydrogen peroxide on whitening strips is only strong enough to brighten minor surface stains on tooth enamel. Deep stains can usually only be safely and effectively whitened by the professional dental bleaching treatment offered at [practice_name].

If you have been struggling with stained teeth in your smile, you should call your dentist, Dr. [doctor_name] at [phone] to explore your whitening options.

Flossing is Vital to Oral Health

Did you know, brushing without flossing, is like clearing the dishes from the table without wiping down the table? If you think about it, flossing is the key factor to keeping your teeth clean. For example, brushing your teeth is great for cleaning the sides and of your teeth. Flossing scrubs each tooth and along the gumline, removing food particles and plaque between each tooth as you go. That is why flossing is essential to great oral health.

To help you find a floss that’s right for you, our team at [practice_name] in [city], [state], is here to give you different kinds of floss. These kids include:

-Unwaxed floss: Unwaxed floss is a traditional kind of floss. They are great to use if you have a little space between your teeth.
-Waxed floss: Waxed floss is popular when your teeth are closer together. The wax helps the floss slide between the teeth and along the gumline easier.
-Water flosser: A water flosser has become extremely popular. This flosser forces water between your teeth and along your gum line, similar to a pressure washer. This is also a popular option.
-Dental picks: Dental picks are convenient for many because you don’t have to wind the floss around your fingers. They are easy to use and can go gently between your teeth to remove plaque and food particles.

With so many options to choose from, flossing has never been easier. If you still have questions about your oral health, please call us today at [phone]. Our friendly staff is happy to take your call.

Implant Your New Smile Today

Are you thinking about a smile restoration, but not sure the best way to do it? If so, you are not alone. Cosmetic dentistry has exploded across our nation thanks to the fantastic results from thousands of beautifully restored smiles! Dental implants are a huge part of that success restoring thousands of smiles and boosting self-esteem.

However, like any dental procedure our team here at [practice_name] in [city], [state], understands many people may still have questions about dental implants. That is why our staff is happy to provide you with some basic information on them and how they can give you the new smile you always hoped for.

Dental implants are a strong and reliable dental restoration that replaces your lost or missing teeth and goes deep into the bone giving support like a root of a tooth. It is a surgically placed product that gives you natural-looking results and makes eating, talking, and even singing easier. Dental implants can also be used to have restore multiple teeth and also secure dentures.

There are many benefits of dental implants including improved appearance, speech, comfort, self-esteem, bone health, and smile function. Implants are also very durable. They generally have a success rate up to 98 percent. That is a huge amount of successful treatments! No wonder they have become a popular form of smile restoration. If you take good care of your implant, it can last a lifetime.

In order to restore your smile with a dental implant, you need to have strong jaw bones and healthy gums. Your oral health also needs to be strong enough to undergo tooth extractions and oral surgery. However, once you have a dental implant, it is easily cared for. Caring for an implant is as simple as caring for your natural teeth. All you need to do is brush twice a day, floss once a day, rinse your mouth daily with mouthwash, and visit your dentist every six months.

If you would like to learn more about dental implants and would like to see if they are right for you, please call us today and set up an appointment at [phone]. We are always happy to take your call and address any of your oral questions and concerns. So, call us today and let us restore your smile in time for the holiday season.

How to Treat a Cracked Tooth

Have you ever bitten into one of your favorite foods and heard a crack? As you can probably know—or can at least guess—this can be an extremely unpleasant experience. Sadly, many people feel that they can wait to have this problem addressed, but we recommend looking for treatment immediately.

Sadly, a cracked tooth could be caused by a cavity. If this is the case, you’ll probably have to cover the weakened tooth with a crown. You see, if you don’t care for a cracked tooth, your crack could slowly extend to the root of your tooth. Once this happens, you’ll be more vulnerable to infection, sensitivity, and even tooth decay.

However, while visiting a dentist as soon as possible is important, you may need to wait a few days. Luckily, there are a few things you can do at home to alleviate any discomfort while you wait. For instance, you could place gauze on the cracked tooth or apply a cold pack to your cheek to alleviate pain and swelling. You may also consider using dental cement, which you should be able to find at your local drugstore.

When you do visit our dentist, we’ll assess the state of your mouth and offer you any personalized advice you need. Sometimes, for a minor crack, you’ll just need to have your tooth smoothed out. At other times, our team will fill the crack with specialized filling material. More serious breaks may need root canal therapy and will usually be covered by a crown.

Do you have more questions about the causes of a cracked tooth—or about how you may be able to address the problem? Are you interested in learning more about the care you can receive from our team? Would you simply like to schedule an appointment with Dr. [doctor_name]? If so, we invite you to give [practice_name] a call a [phone]. We’re eager to hear from you!