
You can get Dentures to Restore Your Teeth

Many things can cause you to lose your teeth. Collisions in sports, tooth decay, gum disease, and many other oral conditions all can contribute to tooth loss. Lose enough teeth, and that can cause serious problems for your life quality. Chewing food becomes difficult, speaking is harder, and you lose confidence in your smile. Dentures can be exactly what you are looking for to restore your smile.

Dentures are used to take the place of the teeth you’ve lost. It will restore your smile and your ability to enjoy your food fully. Our dentist can suggest partial dentures if you have lost only a few teeth, and full dentures if you’ve lost most or all of your teeth. To begin, they will take an impression of your gums which [heshe] will send to a dental lab where your dentures will be made.

When the dental lab gets the casting of your gums, the dental technician will use them as a guide to make your dentures. They will make your dentures look perfectly natural and feel comfortable in your mouth. Dr. [doctor_name] will make sure they fit properly in your mouth. Then you can smile and enjoy your favorite foods, just like before.

If you have lost multiple teeth and you are interested you should consider calling [practice_name]’s clinic in [city], [state] at [phone] to see if you are a good candidate for dentures.

Can You Keep Your Mouth Clean Without Toothpaste?

What do you do to keep up your oral health? Do you make a point of brush and floss every day? If so, good for you—but what would you do if you found your toothpaste tube empty one day and weren’t able to get more right away? As you can probably guess, you shouldn’t just avoid brushing. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do in a pinch.

Mouthwash is one option you should consider. As you may know, mouthwash can fight off cavities, bad breath, gingivitis, and even wash away food particles. However, please remember that, while using mouthwash is better than nothing, please don’t plan on replacing brushing.

Similarly, if you find yourself out of toothpaste and mouthwash, you can also rinse out your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. However, please remember to mix the hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water. Also, please do not swallow hydrogen peroxide. If you would like to brush, you can also use baking powder—which is a safe alternative that is also included in many toothpastes.

However, if you aren’t interested in any of these options, you could also try chewing on a mint or on chewing gum. You see, chewing gum can help because chewing promotes saliva production. As you may know, saliva is actually vital to the health of your mouth, as it gets rid of bad bacteria. If you don’t have chewing gum handy, you can also chew on herbs such as mint, rosemary, sage, and thyme.

Finally, to enjoy a healthy smile, please remember to visit a dentist once every six months for a routine cleaning and checkup. If you would like to learn more, or are interested in scheduling an appointment with Dr. [doctor_name], please don’t hesitate to contact [practice_name] at [phone]. We will gladly answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Understanding the Underlying Cause of Stains on Your Teeth

Your tooth enamel is made up of microscopic mineral crystals. The exposure to certain dark foods and beverages can cause stains that adhere to the microscopic surfaces. In time, these products can gradually penetrate deep into the enamel layer.

Even Dr. [doctor_name]’s dental-bleaching treatment will only yield temporary results if the underlying cause of the stains is not remedied.

Certain foods like chocolate, tomato sauce, and dark berries contain significant concentrations of staining compounds. If these surface stains are not counteracted on a daily basis, they can deeply saturate the enamel layer. Using a whitening toothpaste when you brush your teeth can reduce surface stains that are caused by these foods.

Drinking dark beverages, like coffee, tea, and soft drinks, on a regular basis can also cause significant stains. Using a whitening toothpaste will also help reduce surface stains before they can penetrate the tooth enamel. You can still enjoy these beverages, but you might want to drink them through a straw.

The tar and other chemicals in tobacco products can deeply stain your smile. Usually, these deep stains can’t be improved by the tooth-whitening products available on store shelves.

Dr. [doctor_name]’s dental-bleaching treatment can safely and effectively whiten moderate to deeply stained teeth.

If you would like to explore the best whitening products and treatments in [city], [state], you can call [practice_name] at [phone] for an appointment with your dentist.

Thrush: The Infection That Can Harm Your Smile

There are many dental issues in the world today that can take over your smile and alter your oral health, and one of those issues is thrush.

Thrush in [city], [state], is a dental issue that typically begins when stress, illnesses, or medication disrupt the balance of bacteria and microorganisms in your mouth. When this happens, your oral fungus, also known as candida fungus, grows out of control.

These are the causes, symptoms, and treatments of thrush:


The causes of thrush generally include:

-Medications, like corticosteroids, antibiotics, and birth control pills


-Illnesses or medical situations, like uncontrolled diabetes, HIV infection, cancer, dry mouth, and hormonal changes during pregnancy


The main symptom of thrush is the appearance of a creamy white lesion on the inside of your mouth. The lesion will appear suddenly and persist for a long period of time. It might be painful and it might bleed when you scrape it or brush your teeth.


Sometimes prescribed medication, like antifungal medication, is needed to treat thrush. Your dentist will also provide a specific treatment that is designed for your age and cause of infection. However, sometimes thrush is caused by other medical issues. If this is the case for you, you will need to visit your physician.

To learn more about thrush, please call [practice_name] at [phone]. We also encourage you to schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. [doctor_name], if you’ve noticed any signs leading to thrush. We are here to help you in any way we can, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Tooth-Friendly Desserts

Do you have a sweet tooth that you just can’t seem to satisfy? If so, you’re probably doing some serious damage to your teeth. Foods high in sugar, citrus, foods that are sticky or crunchy, certain coffees, soda, and sports drinks all do a number on the enamel that protects your teeth.

So how can you combat your desire for sweet foods without putting the health of your teeth at risk? Try a few of these tooth-friendly desserts.

Savory Cheeseballs
Did you know that cheese is actually very good for your teeth? Cheese consumption stimulates saliva, which fights tooth decay. The calcium present in cheese also helps replaces minerals leached from your teeth by other foods.

While you may not think of yogurt as the best dessert option, you can “dress it up” to be plenty sweet. Top your yogurt off with berries, nuts, or granola, and you have a sweet treat that its full of calcium, phosphates, and natural sugars and fibers that stimulate saliva production.

Sugar-free Blueberry Muffins
Blueberries have plenty of natural sugar. If you bake blueberry muffins, but forgo adding the suggested extra sugar, you’ll end up with “skinny” blueberry muffins that have mostly natural ingredients. Once again, the fruit is great for your teeth.

Satisfying your sweet tooth and keeping all of your teeth healthy doesn’t mean you have to give up sweet foods. If you have more questions on foods that are tooth-friendly, call Dr. [doctor_name] today for more information.

Replacing Teeth With Dental Implants

Teeth can be lost for a variety of reasons, from injury to extensive decay. Missing teeth can be quite inconvenient. It can be difficult or painful to chew and speak, and it can make a person embarrassed of his or her appearance. There are many ways to restore missing teeth; for many, the best option is with dental implants.

Dental implants restore not only the visible portion of a tooth, but the whole structure of the tooth. A dental implant properly refers only to the hidden portion of the restoration that is placed in your jaw. This is a biocompatible post that replicates the function of the lost root. Once the bone grows around the post in the process of osseointegration, it becomes firmly secured and able to support a variety of restorations.

Dental implants can support single crowns to replace single teeth, a dental bridge to replace a few, and partial or full dentures. Each of these restorations is designed and built to mimic the shape, shade, and lustre of your natural teeth, so they will be indistinguishable from them. Crowns and bridges are permanent solutions that typically require no additional maintenance. They can last a lifetime. Implant-supported dentures provide greater stability than traditional dentures, although they are still removable for cleaning.

To find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants to replace your missing or damaged teeth, please schedule a consultation with Dr. [doctor_name] today. Everyone in our [city], [st], office is eager to help you have the full, strong smile you deserve.

How to Treat a Toothache

Toothaches are painful, inconvenient, and bothersome. If you are currently suffering from this nuisance, our [practice_name] team has some tips for you! There are things you can do to relieve your toothache, and those things are:

-Step No. 1: Thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water. Swish it around for about a minute or so.

-Step No. 2: The ache might be caused by food that is stuck between your teeth. So, use floss and clean between each crevice of your smile.

-Step No. 3: If your mouth is swollen, reduce the swelling with an ice pack. Place the pack outside the area for 30-minute intervals.

-Step No. 4: Please feel free to take over-the-counter pain medications to relieve your pain. However, please do not put the medication directly against the gums above the aching tooth because it may burn the gum tissue.

-Step No. 5: If these tips do not help you and the ache continues for a couple of days, please do your best to see your dentist as soon as possible. There may be a major dental issue causing the problem.

If you would like to know more about toothaches in [city], [state], and why they occur, please call [phone] today and schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. [doctor_name]! Our team is more than happy to help you know more about toothaches so you can achieve the comfort and health you deserve.

Is Dental anxiety keeping you from Necessary Treatment?

Welcome to the dental practice of Dr. Michael Long and Dr. Matthew Thurman, where we strive to give the best quality care to our patients in the most relaxed and comfortable environment as possible. We understand that some patients feel anxiety about receiving dental treatment. Dental anxiety is actually a common phenomenon and because we want our patients to have the best possible experience while they are with us we work with them to have the best experience possible.

Dental anxiety can stem from a variety of factors, including a fear of experiencing pain, either because of a previous negative experience, or from hearing others share their stories of an unpleasant experience. Some people are afraid of receiving injections or that the injection won’t work properly. Others fear the side effect of anesthesia, and one of the most common fear is that of not being in control while sitting through a procedure, feeling vulnerable and helpless.

Dr. Michael Long and Dr. Matthew Thurman work hard to provide you with quality dental care in a safe, calm and relaxing atmosphere. There are things we can do to help you feel comfortable during your treatment. First, rest assured that you are not alone, so please let us know that you are experiencing anxiety. We are happy to discuss ways to help you relax, and ease your tension. We can explain what will happen as the procedure unfolds, so that you know exactly what to expect next. We can also work out a signal to let us know you need us to stop for a moment, like raising your arm to let us know you need to take a breath, or rinse or spit.

Don’t let dental anxiety prevent you from receiving the care you need. To schedule your next visit with one of our dentists, please call our team at [phone] today. Dr. Michael Long and Dr. Matthew Thurman are here to help you have your best dental experience yet.