
Yogurt and Your Oral Health

When you’re running to work late in the morning – and to be honest, who’s not – every now and then all you can grab is a package of yogurt. Well here’s some good news! Yogurt is a tooth-friendly food! Find out why in this post, and phone us for a checkup if you have any inquiries.

Two of the most common substances in yogurt are calcium and proteins. Calcium and protein can assist your teeth by supporting the enamel layers that are the teeth’s first line of defense. Additionally, yogurts contain constructive probiotics. Probiotics, also called constructive bacteria, are helpful in the mouth because they may prod out negative bacteria that weaken the oral cavity. Yogurt has so many benefits for the oral cavity, and it’s delicious too!

While we generally recommend yogurt, we should mention that not all yogurts are created equally. Specifically, skip yogurts with lots of sugar or added sugar; this may outweigh a few of the positive effects yogurt can have. If you do buy yogurt, think about buying a kind that comes with lower quantities of sugar, like Greek yogurt.

The [city], [state], [practice_name] practice of Dr. [doctor_name] can be reached at [phone], and you can call the team now to pencil in your checkup.


Maintain Optimum Oral Health with Oral Emergencies

An oral emergency refers to an accident or injury that occurs to your smile in which professional care must be given. This can include lost crowns or fillings, teeth knocked out, and objects lodged and wedged between teeth. To ensure the greatest chance of recovery, it is important to have in place plans to help treat your smile should the worst come to pass.

If you have any lost crowns, visit your dentist as soon as possible so a repair or replacement can be given. Cover the exposed tooth with a cotton swab dabbed in clove oral to prevent further damage from occurring to the area. It may also be possible to place the crown back over the tooth until treatment can be given. You can try coating the inner surface of the crown with dental cement, toothpaste, or denture adhesive to hold the crown in place until further care can be given. Never use super glue.

If a dental filling is knocked out, it is important to make sure you cover the cavity or exposed area of the tooth with a piece of sugarless gum or an over-the-counter dental cement. Do not attempt to put the filling back in place. Afterward, visit a dentist.

If a tooth is knocked out, it is important to collect the tooth as soon as possible and place it in a liquid solution. Do not let the tooth dry out, or it may not be able to be placed back in your mouth. If you visit your dentist within 1 hour of having a tooth knocked out, it is possible that the dentist can once again place the tooth back in the socket and restore its function.

Dr. [doctor_name] and all of our fantastic team are located in [city], [state]. If you would like to schedule an appointment with [practice_name] for an oral health care treatment, please call our dentist office at [phone].

Gingivitis Symptoms Need a Dentist’s Attention

An inconsistent oral hygiene routine invites a host of potential oral hygiene problems. This includes an increased risk of cavities and periodontal disease caused by the persistent presence of plaque acids, and hardened tartar near the gumline.

The earliest form of periodontal disease, which is known as gingivitis, often includes gums that bleed easily when brushing and flossing, inflamed gums, and persistent bad breath. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, the wisest course of action is to seek professional diagnosis and treatment from a [dr_type] like Dr. [doctor_name]

Without professional treatment, the mild periodontal inflammation of gingivitis can worsen into a more serious form of periodontal disease. This condition, which is known as periodontitis could cause your gumline to recede from the base of your teeth.

As it starts to progress small, concentrated pockets of infected material can start to accumulate near the roots of your teeth. Over time untreated periodontitis can cause a depletion of oral bone structure and the loss of multiple teeth.

Recent research has also found a relationship between the systemic inflammation of chronic periodontitis and other medical conditions. This can potentially increase your chances of suffering from heart disease, diabetes, and increased chances of suffering a stroke.   

If you live in the [city], [state] area and you have periodontal disease concerns, you should call [phone] to schedule a dental checkup at [practice_name].  


How to Use Fluoride Toothpaste

It’s important to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste regularly. This is because fluoride is a natural mineral that strengthens and nourishes the teeth, giving them the ability to fight tooth decay and enamel erosion. All in all, fluoride helps you have a strong and healthy smile. If you have fluoride toothpaste, our dentist, Dr. [doctor_name], is happy to help you use it by giving you the instructions you need.

The amount of paste you use depends on your age. If you are 3-6 years old, it’s best to only use a rice-sized amount of paste. If you are older than 6 years old, you should only use a pea-sized amount of paste. Many people cover their toothbrush bristles with the paste, but that’s not necessary. After you’re done scrubbing your smile, spit the extra toothpaste out of your mouth and leave the remaining toothpaste on your chompers. This is recommended for the brushing routine that isn’t followed by flossing or rinsing. Leave the paste on your teeth for about 30 minutes to let the fluoride seep into your tooth enamel and strengthen it. Make sure to brush your teeth with this paste twice a day for two minutes each time.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about how to use fluoride toothpaste in [city], [state], please contact [practice_name] today at [phone]. Our dental team is happy to help you!

Should You Consider Dental Implants?

Implants have become very popular over the years. The artificial teeth are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth, and they are placed on titanium posts that have implanted directly into your jawbone. Not only does this make the implants sturdy, but as the bone grows around the implants, your jaw is strengthened. Moreover, your implants can be brushed and flossed just like your regular teeth. Before you start the implant process, you will need to have a thorough examination and a discussion with your dentist about your medical history and any medications you are taking.

Implants require surgery, and so your dentist will need to know if you suffer from hemophilia. Your gums and jawbone must be healthy enough to support the implants. If you have an immune system disorder, take immunosuppressants, or have chemotherapy or radiation therapy to your head or neck, your dentist may suggest another treatment. If you have uncontrolled diabetes, implants may not be right for you.

A big factor in the success of dental implants is your willingness to follow your dentist’s instructions. You will need to comply with the directions regarding your aftercare and followup appointments. Failure to do so could also mean failure of your implants. Tobacco use will slow the healing process, and can lead to oral cancer and gum disease, which will affect your implants. Additionally, if you use recreational drugs and are not committed to brushing and flossing, implants may not be the best choice to replace your teeth.

Most people are fine candidates for implants, but if they are not for you, there are other options available, such as dentures and dental bridges. Our dentist, Dr. [doctor_name] will be happy to give you and exam and talk about the different procedures. If you would like to schedule an appointment at [practice_name] in [city], [state], call [phone] today.

The Treatment of Tooth Sensitivity

There are many causes for tooth sensitivity. Worn or fractured tooth enamel, cavities, dental erosion due to acidic foods and beverages, an eating disorder or gastric reflux, or gum recession can all be contributing factors or major causes.

If you have sensitive teeth, it’s important to seek dental advice as soon as possible. Dr. [doctor_name] can help you identify the source of your sensitivity and prescribe a proper mode of treatment. Here are some possible treatments that [heshe] will recommend:

-Desensitizing toothpaste: With consistent application, this toothpaste can actually block the nerves that cause sensitivity.

-Fluoride: If the cause of your sensitivity is dental erosion, fluoride will help rebuild your lost enamel so that you no longer experience any pain.

-Covering Exposed Roots: Is gum recession the cause of your sensitive teeth? If so, Dr. [doctor_name] may apply a sealant over your exposed roots to protect them.

-Root Canal: If your sensitivity in one tooth is severe and other treatments just aren’t working, your tooth’s pulp at the center of the teeth may be affected. In this case, we may recommend a root canal.

After you’ve received treatment, be aware that your sensitivity may return if you fail to take care of your teeth. That’s why it’s important to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Make sure to brush gently and use desensitizing or fluoride toothpaste. If you grind your teeth while you sleep, ask Dr. [doctor_name] about a night guard.

Call [practice_name] today for tooth sensitivity treatment in [city], [state] at [phone]. We are happy to help!

Choosing a Composite Filling For Your Smile

A cavity in your tooth can cause many problems if left untreated. Not only can a cavity become painful, it can also cause bad breath, and can lead to the loss of your tooth. Depending on where the tooth is located, you may have the option of using a composite filling to address your cavity. If you have a cavity that is readily visible by other people, you can talk to Dr. [doctor_name] about a composite filling.

A composite filling is actually a resin of plastic and powdered glass. The advantage to using a composite filling is that the dentist can color it to match the surface of the rest of your tooth, making it far less obvious to others.

After your dentist has removed the decayed tooth material, [heshe] will mix a resin that has been colored to match your tooth. The process of placing a composite filling will take longer than other fillings, since the tooth needs to be kept dry during the process. Additionally, composite fillings are placed in layers to give them added strength, and each of those layers need to be cured with a special light.

Composite fillings work best for teeth that do not receive a great deal of pressure from chewing, and are usually reserved for use on the front teeth. All fillings need to be replaced eventually; but, with the proper care a composite filling can last over five years. You will need to brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, floss once a day, and see your dentist for your regular cleanings and exams.

If you are in need of a filling and would like to see if a composite filling will work for you, we will be happy to see you. To make an appointment at [practice_name] in [city], [state], call [phone] today.

A Partial Denture Can Help Replace Teeth Lost to Severe Oral Trauma

An automobile collision can cause significant bodily harm an oral trauma. In some of these cases, the damage caused to organs and body parts takes priority over treating the dental trauma. This often cause the loss of necessary extraction of multiple compromised teeth.

When you are ready, you should strongly consider scheduling dental restoration consultation with the specialists at [practice_name]. During this appointment, Dr. [doctor_name] and our associates can help you understand your options for restoring the basic function of your mouth.

One easy way to replace the full function of your mouth without the use of oral surgery and dental implants, is to have Dr. [doctor_name] fit you for a partial denture. This is a miniature form of dentures that will be designed to fit tightly with the underlying gum structure. It might also include some locking hardware to help give it extra firm hold with the neighboring teeth.

The unit is easily removable. Once it has been secured in place, the partial denture will replicate the basic appearance and function of the missing teeth. You might want to use a little denture adhesive to secure the partial denture in place and block out food particles.

To fit you for your partial denture, Dr. [doctor_name] will cast a detailed impression of the void left by your missing teeth. This will be sent to a dental lab to guide the dental technicians in creating the removable dental appliance. If you live in the [city], [state], area and you have lost multiple teeth, you should call [phone] to explore your dental restoration options available at [practice_name].

Do You Need a Root Canal?

Every part of your tooth is important and serves a purpose. In particular, the pulp is a vital part of your tooth since it contains the blood vessels and nerves that keep your teeth healthy, and the tissue that helps connect your teeth to your gums. However, from to time the pulp can become infected, and needs to be removed. The infection is the result of your tooth being compromised. This can happen as the result of a cavity, a trauma such as a crack or break in the tooth, damage to the tooth that is too small to see, or even repeated dental work on the tooth. Symptoms of infected tooth pulp usually include pain, sensitivity, and tender and swollen gums.

The process of removing the infected pulp is called a root canal. While the infected pulp is removed, your tooth can be repaired and continue to serve you. Your dentist will take an x-ray and do an examination to determine if a root canal is needed. If a root canal is required, the dentist will make an opening in your tooth, remove the diseased pulp, and clean the area. The dentist will then shape and enlarge the chamber before filling it with what is called a gutta-percha, which is the material that will take the place of the pulp. The tooth will be sealed and if necessary, your dentist will place a crown over the tooth to protect it.

With the the advances in modern dentistry, the tooth can last for the rest of your life. You will still need to brush and floss, and see your dentist for regular cleanings and exams. If you have a toothache, are experiencing the symptoms of infected tooth pulp, or if it is time for your regular dental appointment, our dentist, Dr, [doctor_name] will be happy to see you. To make an appointment at [practice_name] in [city], [state], give us a call at [phone]. We look forward to seeing you.

Principles Concerning Sleep Apnea

Are you aware that sleep apnea can be caused by a wide-ranging amount of issues stemming from your oral health all the way to uncontrollable genetics? Even failed brain signals could be a fault for your sleep apnea. Whether you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea or central sleep apnea, it is important to spot the symptoms so you can get the treatment you need for a recovery.

For a better understanding of the basics of sleep apnea, listed below are principles concerning sleep apnea:

– As you age, you become more vulnerable to sleep apnea disorder.
– Although oral health disorders can happen to anyone, they are most often displayed in men over 40 years old.
– Nasal blockages, airway obstructions, and a deviated septum can increase your risk for sleep apnea.
– Sleep apnea disorder can be linked to oversized tonsils, a large tongue, or a small jaw.
– As with many health disorders, you may be at an increased risk for sleep apnea based on your genetics and family history of the disorder.
– Your risk of developing sleep apnea can be increased if you are often the victim of sinus problems or nasal allergies.

Our team at [practice_name] focuses on a variety of sleep apnea treatments to suit all your needs. If you would like an oral exam from Dr. [doctor_name], please book an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in [city], [state]. We can be reached at [phone]. Come see us, and let us show you the benefits of a better smile today!